Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Y: The Last Man was otherwise pretty flawless though

The Shulkster's second fastball special! I guess this means she's stronger than Herc, making her probably the third strongest hero in the MU, after the Hulk and the Thing. She's awesome.

You have to use the fastball special wisely though. The consequences can be dire.

Out of all the stupid horror movie tropes, this is probably the stupidest. If you're talking to someone and they look at some point over your shoulder and go "don't hurt her" would you A) act confused and ask what's going on, or B) LOOK BEHIND YOU? Come on, Allison, you're smarter than that.

For a split second when I read this, I thought Dick was just being a dick to Damian. Like, "Yeah? Well YOUR MOM'S paramedics are here." Then I realized that, yes, Talia probably did instantaneously hear about her son's injuries and send her own paramedics.

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