I would have loved to see Sinestro(?) practicing this rhyme. I can see him practicing in front of his mirror. "Okay, so...In brightest day/In blackest night/no evil shall...shit, what was that line again?" And then when he thinks he's ready he'll perform it for Booster: "No evil shall...goddammit, hold on a sec, willya?"
Can you imagine if you were fighting a villain who randomly started speaking in rhyme? I'm not actually sure what I would do. I might be wide-eyed with confusion, like Booster, or I might just start laughing out loud. Note to potential super-villains: speaking in rhyme does not make you seem imposing.

Yeah, sure, Batman, you're just monitoring the Royal Flush Gang. That's why that woman's boobs are inflated to like 250% of their actual size and you appear to just be staring.

I read my comics on CDisplay, and when there are splash pages I have to scroll around to see everything. Imagine my shock and eventual horror when his crotch JUMPED OUT AT ME.
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